Updated to resolve conflicts
Added a 'DONT SEND IF EMPTY' check to reduce the overall bandwidth used by the system.
Updated to use the 1.0 Opendlv standard message set. No longer uses the custom radar messagetype, but instead uses the opendlv pointlcoud message (1061), with values now sent as x,y (realspace, in metres), i (intensity), as floats.
Dummy tag to start a ci-cd pipeline.
Updated to reinclude data_highdef function.
Included Bravo channel - This is a huge update from v0.0.8, and it hopefully now allows for the full utilization of the device. Currently untested!
Updated range method to push correct range from Radar and not from user input. Also added a Sea-State method.
OpenCPN + packets indicate that the Halo+ use the older code and don't proc the if HALO statements. Reverting back to the older code
Updated to use Halo standards for all radar commands. Fixes Rain clutter and Target Expansion.